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Waiting for (insert anything here)
Thursday, November 16, 2006
New semester of course means new schedule. And I hate it. Who wouldn't if it means going to school for six straight days? As if I could actually do something about it, how I wish. Only thing I like about it is I won't have to force myself out of bed early.

New semester...new hair? Yeah.
I really chopped it off this time. I've been meaning to have my hair short since last year, and I've been cutting it short gradually. But now I just felt, this is it. I needed some drastic change in my life to fill in an empty space that has been building quite some time now. It's been too quiet lately. The same thing, everyday. I'm sick of it. Cutting my hair was just a start. I might do things that I feel would give me a rush, even if it means doing crazy things.

I just hate being idle.

Even if it is a simple waiting for the next class, I dislike waiting, doing nothing. Idleness. I hate that word. What is it with waiting? You're just there, not moving. It might be that it gives me time to think about things that really shouldn't be thought about. Or it might also be a moment that gives you hope in having something that you've wanted. Or it also might just be that you've got nothing to do.

I hate waiting. But that's all I've been doing.

A frustration in waiting for something I don't know gives fuel to my impulsive nature. Hence, I've been doing everything that will make me move until the time of waiting is over. Whether it be cuting my hair short, wearing a really short skirt, or volunteering for whatever interests me; as long as it keeps me going, I'll keep doing it. And a lot more.
--PatitayHAD a little lamb--
10:21 PM

Sem Break
Monday, October 23, 2006
Yes I know I have been too busy(lazy) to post something here lately. But sembreak is finally here. The much awaited!!! Yey! Thank God I thought it would never arrive. We've been through hell and back again
  1. I haven't slept properly in weeks.
  2. I'm seriously broke. And,
  3. I'm now drinking coffee.

I haven't drank coffee until now; and let me tell you, the stuff really works on me. I was up for 12 hours straight. Damn.

And now it's sembreak. I've been at home being a couch potato and "bed potato", if there is such a term. It's so nice to just sit back and relax for a change. I know, I'll probably gain weight if I go on like this for the whole break, but who the hell cares?! I sure don't. I swear to God I don't.

I wanted to go out, too. Go on a gimik or two with my friends. Really, at my age, I should be going out there and enjoying my night life. Sadly, I don't have one yet. My life.....sucks.

--PatitayHAD a little lamb--
2:29 PM

A Weekend Away from Reality
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Last weekend was different from the usual weekends I have. My cousins came to visit!!! Yey! I have missed them so much! It's been too many years now since I last saw them. They've been living in Switzerland, that's why (they're Swiss, so obviously they live there). My cousins, they've grown so big now. The eldest, Daniel, who was just a little boy, is now biiiiig! But not that big yet, I'm still bigger! HA! I had fun especially with Gabriel, the next in line. He's so makulet. And of course, pretty little Anette! She's so cute and she keeps on hugging me. Aaaaaaw...

While staying with them for the weekend at Oakwood, I had a little photoshoot with the kids. It was for my Photography class; we had to re-create an ad from a magazine. Mine was a boy reading a book under the bed covers with a flashlight. So set up in one of the rooms and had Daniel and Gabriel alternately pose as the model. It was a challenge because posing was a tiring thing, but they had fun! And I had fun! Anette had one shot, too. She's just so cute!! Adorable!

Sadly, the weekend must come to an end. And they're only here for two week, and this is the second week. They'll be leaving this Saturday. There won't be another opportunity for me to see them again. I'm sad. It'll be for another couple of years before they come visiting again. But, maybe, just maybe, after graduation I'll go and visit them at Switzerland. Then they'll take me to Germany! Wooyeah! =P haha! Oh well, I'll post some pics of them from the photoshoot when I get them developed.
--PatitayHAD a little lamb--
5:48 PM

Of Sleep and Money
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Finally, "Discover" Robinsons Magazine is finished. Today, I have sworn to myself that I won't step foot in any Robinsons Mall for the next 2 years. That is the result of having Robinsons in your mind every waking hour, even in you dreams, and it's usually not a pleasant one. With Robinsons in my life for this sem, sleep became a 2-3 hour session on early mornings during production. I've gotten so used to it that I even developed a way of keeping myself awake! First, I minimize Adobe Photoshop. Next, I double click Microsoft Reader shortcut on the desktop. Third, I click and e-book and sail away.
I call that "taking breaks".
Every one agrees, right? Riiiight? Of course you do.

As most of you who are reading this might already guess, Robinsons is one hell of a big pain in the ass. Not only did it deprived me of my precious usual 5-7 hours of peaceful sleep on my comfy bed with my cow, Moo, and my kitty, Kitty, it also took away a chunk of money from our own pockets. In a very subtle way. I won't go on explaining, since it'll seem like I'm complaining again, and there's really nothing, absolutely nothing that I can do about it.

Oh, and speaking about money, another guilty of making us spend money is Photography. It's really hard to shoot pictures that you don't know what it looks like until it is developed, so you totally have to rely on instincts....and luck. We're using manual SLR cameras, not digicams.

Old school rocks!!!

A roll of film must be developed into a contact print, it's a big piece of photo paper wherein little thumbnails of your photo are printed. Since we're a bunch of sadistic perfectionist, we want all of our shots to be in the right exposure. And since we're not ultra mega super lucky, it's a 90-10 possibility. Yep, that bad. So we kept on shooting and shooting until we ended up with two rolls of film *whisper* that means two sets of contact print, too, which costs a bout 90-130 depending on where you take it to be developed. I'm going to print another one, it's a combination of the two rolls. Yay.

So the gist of this post is, I'm in dire need of sleep and money. I just elaborated some things for the pleasure, if any, of those who are crazy enough to read my blog.
--PatitayHAD a little lamb--
10:05 PM

Strike! You're Out!
Friday, July 28, 2006
This is another 10 minutes of my time, I should be doing the "Discover" Robinsons Magazine instead of this. But what the heck, eto na e.

Strike 1
I sat at the bench, waiting. Then I saw. The day is complete! Just a mere glance. But when I looked closely...Strike 1 occured. She didn't even reach upto his elbows!!! Ok I exaggerate... I took it lightly at first, thinking it was just some friend that he needs to work with. Ok I let it pass.

Strike 2
Building lobby. Elevator front. I see him. What a good thing to start the day! Then out from his side...oh. my. gad. NO. But then again, why not? They're partners in a research or something. *convincing myself*denial* I let it pass yet AGAIN.

Strike 3
This really was the fatal attack. For the third time!!! THIRD. Third is once too many. Obviously this is something more that a research work. But what's ouch is that I have no right to any of these words I'm saying.

damn german. Bitter. BitterKitty.
--PatitayHAD a little lamb--
10:34 PM

Wednesday, July 19, 2006
It's been almost two months since my last entry, and I admit that it was due to:
  1. laziness
  2. laziness; and
  3. Laziness
I should at least try to write one entry a month! Just so this entire blog wouldn't be a waste, waste enough as it is.


It's been a crazy start for school. I have never felt this tired in my entire years at college. I. Am. So. Drained. Deadlines have been flying like crazy! Oh my gawd, there are times when I just want to do nothing, to hell with everything. But I can't, much I would like to. Complaining won't get me anywhere, I know, but I just wanted to tell you, whoever you are that's reading this. I'm not even sure if anyone's still reading my posts after not updating regularly. Oh well, not my problem.

Typing this post was my way of yelling to everyone that Patitay is still alive, barely. But surviving. And it took 10 minutes of my time from researching x-men.

Don't ask...
--PatitayHAD a little lamb--
9:38 PM

My Balloon
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
I had a balloon in my hand,
I cried to mommy to have it be mine.
Weeks before
It was far away from my reach,
Above my head glinting in the sun
Bumping other balloons softly.

My balloon, it is the color blue,
My favorite, mommy had no clue.
I had a smile on my face
With my balloon in hand.
I was the happiest girl, I thought.
Until I saw another balloon.

The other balloon was fancier.
I ran toward it with a bigger smile.
Not knowing I had let go
My blue balloon flew, forgotten.
I cried once again to mommy
For the fancy balloon to be mine.

But mommy said no.
I only get to have one balloon.
My blue balloon, I just noticed, was gone.
Having so much wanted the fancy balloon,
I lost the only one I had.
Not being able to have the fancy one,
I was left with nothing.

I felt extremely sad.
We walked home,
Only to see my blue balloon
In the hand of another little girl.
It showed me how I cared little
for my favorite blue balloon.
That I allowed it to fly away.

--PatitayHAD a little lamb--
5:19 PM

i am what i am
i am a lover of all cats
i am with Fred
i am a book-eater
i am pat

Johari Nohari
The Oasis as Rain
My DevArt



August 2005
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
July 2006
August 2006
October 2006
November 2006

thank yous!
adobe photoshop